Does google drive stream backup
Does google drive stream backup

does google drive stream backup

This is my on going personal research listing the most interesting ones I've found: Most of them will help syncing with other services, such as Dropbox ( referral link). And each one do it in a different peculiar way. In any case, there are plenty of tools and mostly services out there you can use to make that local copy. But you do have a local copy of them! Go figure. Oddly enough, video files (smaller than 15 min they say) also do not count to your drive quota limit. Also, even its "offline" feature, while it seem to work some times, it often fails. It doesn't save local copies of most files that do not count towards your limit (mostly docs, sheets, etc) anywhere in our hard drive. I honestly never thought I'd be one of the people saying "don't use online services to back up photos" but here I am.Yeah, google drive sucks in that aspect. I've had to restart the client like a dozen times to get it to resume downloading Google Photos files but it keeps hanging here and there, requiring me to manually kill and restart it.Īlso Google Takeout is still fundamentally broken. Selecting "mirroring" WILL BREAK YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE if you have a large amount of files in your Google Photos archive. The new client also isn't able to deal with a ton of files and hangs while downloading your Google Photos folder (or does for me, repeatedly - I do have ~130,000 files with the google photos folder and ~40,000 without) The Google Photos folder is ~250Gb for me, which is big enough to fill a good portion of laptop drives out there.

does google drive stream backup

you are "streaming") or you have to have a disk big enough to mirror everything including your "Google Photos" folder.

does google drive stream backup

So either you lose the ability to have an offline copy of your Google Drive (i.e. With the latest client, you DO NOT have the ability to exclude folders from Google Drive file mirroring. So, for example, if you were being cheap and saving your entire library on your desktop PC as "High Quality" and just not syncing the "Google Photos" folder on your laptop. Tl dr, if you have a ton of files in Google Photos and want to keep using Google Drive, select "stream" and not "mirror" when they force the new client on you.

Does google drive stream backup